Calycoseris parryi - "Yellow-Tack-Stem"

Calycoseris parryi – “Yellow-Tack-Stem”

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
Bloom Period: Apr-May
Form: Annual herb
Habitat: Washes and gravelly soils
Leaves: Linear to lanceolate, pinnately lobed; basal rosette, alternate on stems
Translation: “Calycoseris” is a compound of the Greek word “kalux,” which is “cup,” and “Seris.” a genus of Chicory-type flowers; “parryi” is named for Dr. C. C. Parry (1823-1890), an American botanist
Notes: “Tack-stem” refers to the many, tiny, tack-shaped glands covering the stem and bud, a characteristic that differentiates Yellow Tack-Stem from yellow flowers in the Aster Family. White Tack-Stem (Calycoseris wrightii) is a closely related species that can also be found in Joshua Tree Country but is more common in the Sonoran Desert, to the south.
